Utils class

JKS class

class glorifiedgrep.android.modules.utils.JKS(jks_file: str, jks_password: str)

Process and get various information from jks files

  • str (jks_password) – File path to jks file
  • str – password to the jks file
>>> from glorifiedgrep.android.modules.utils import JKS
>>> j = JKS('/path/to/file', 'secretpassword')
__init__(jks_file: str, jks_password: str)

The init function of the JKS class

  • jks_file (str) – The path to the .jks file
  • jks_password (str) – The password for the jks file
jks_certificate() → list

Get the certificate from the jks file

Returns:jks certificates
Return type:list


>>> j.jks_certificate()
jks_key_alias() → list

Get the keystore alias from jks file

Returns:jks keystore aliases
Return type:list


>>> j.jks_key_alias()
jks_private_key() → list

Get the private key from jks files

Returns:jks private keys if password is correct
Return type:list


>>> j.jks_private_key()

BKS class

class glorifiedgrep.android.modules.utils.BKS(bks_file, bks_password)

Process and get various information from bks files

  • str (bks_password) – File path to bks file
  • str – password to the bks file
>>> from glorifiedgrep.android.modules.utils import BKS
>>> b = BKS('/path/to/file', 'secretpassword')
__init__(bks_file, bks_password)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

bks_certificate() → list

Prints the certificate from the bks file

Returns:bks certificates
Return type:list


>>> b.bks_certificate()
bks_keystore_alias() → list

Prints the keystore alias of the bks file

Returns:bks keystore aliases
Return type:list


>>> b.bks_keystore_alias()
bks_keystore_type() → list

Prints the keystore type of the bks file

Returns:bks keystore type
Return type:list


>>> b.bks_keystore_type()

NativeELFAnalysis class

class glorifiedgrep.android.modules.utils.NativeELFAnalysis(elf_path: str)

Class is used to handle the processing and analysis of native libraries included in the APK. It relies of lief to handle the processing. To install lief for py 3.7, follow instructions at https://github.com/lief-project/LIEF/issues/214

Parameters:str (elf_path) – path to the lib file
>>> from glorifiedgrep.android.modules.utils import NativeELFAnalysis
>>> n = NativeELFAnalysis('/path/to/file.so')
__init__(elf_path: str)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

elf_exported_symbols() → list

Returns a list of exported symbols from the binary

Returns:Array of exports from the binary
Return type:list


>>> n.elf_exported_symbols()
elf_header_info() → lief._pylief.ELF.Header

Returns a lief header object with information obtained from the binaries header

Returns:_pylief.ELF.Header – Header object object
Return type:object


>>> n.elf_header_info()
elf_imported_symbols() → list

Returns a list of imported symbols from the binary

Returns:list of imports from the binary
Return type:list


>>> n.elf_imported_symbols()
elf_libraries_binary() → list

Returns a list of libraries the binary is linked with

Returns:Liked libraries
Return type:list


>>> n.elf_libraries_binary()
elf_strings_from_binary() → list

Returns a list of strings from the binary

Returns:Array of strings from the binary
Return type:list


>>> n.elf_strings_from_binary()

NativeDEXAnalysis class

class glorifiedgrep.android.modules.utils.NativeDEXAnalysis(dex_path: str)

Class is used to handle the processing and analysis of dex files obtained from unzipping an APK. It relies of lief to handle the processing. To install lief for py 3.7, follow instructions at https://github.com/lief-project/LIEF/issues/214

Parameters:str (dex_path) – path to the lib file
>>> from glorifiedgrep.android.modules.utils import NativeELFAnalysis
>>> n = NativeDEXAnalysis('/path/to/classes.dex')
__init__(dex_path: str)

This class analyzes native dex files that are not decompiled

Parameters:dex_path (str) – Path to dex file
dex_classes() → Iterable[dict]

Parse the dex file and returns a list of class names and other information

Returns:Returns a generator of dictionaries containing the name, full_name, package_name source_file, and method keys
Return type:Iteratable


>>> n.dex_dex_classes()
dex_info() → Iterable[lief._pylief.DEX.File.classes]

Parse the dex file and returns a lief dex file object

Returns:Returns a generator of containing the class names and their associated methods
Return type:Iteratable


>>> n.dex_dex_info()
dex_methods() → Iterable[dict]

Parse the dex file and returns a dictionary of method information

Returns:Returns a generator of dictionaries containing the name, class, parameters and return_type keys
Return type:Iteratable


>>> n.dex_dex_methods()
dex_parse() → lief._pylief.DEX.File

Parse the dex file and returns a lief dex file object

Returns:GreppedOut object
Return type:GreppedOut


>>> n.dex_parse()
dex_strings() → Iterable[list]

Parse the dex file and returns a generator of string values

Returns:Returns a generator of strings
Return type:Iteratable


>>> n.dex_dex_strings()

SQL class

class glorifiedgrep.android.modules.utils.SQL(db_path: str)

Class is used to process, and extract various information from sqlite3 db files. It uses python sqlite3 standard library.

Parameters:str (db_path) – path to the db file
>>> from glorifiedgrep.android.modules.utils import SQL
>>> s = SQL('/path/to/sql_db')
__init__(db_path: str)

The init method for the SQL class

Parameters:db_path (str) – Path to a valid sqlite3 database file
sqldb_dump_database() → list

Dumps a list of all sql commands. Similar to sqlite3 file.db .dump

Returns:An array of all dumped data
Return type:list


>>> s.sqldb_dump_database()
sqldb_table_column_names(table_name: str) → list

Get all the column names for the specified table.

Parameters:table_name (str) – An existing table name
Returns:A list of column names from the specified table
Return type:list


>>> s.sqldb_table_column_names()
sqldb_table_data(table_name: str) → list

Get all the data from the specified table.

Parameters:table_name (str) – An existing table name
Returns:Dumps an arry of table data
Return type:list


>>> s.sqldb_table_data()
sqldb_tables() → list

Get all the table names from the db file

Returns:A list of table names
Return type:list


>>> s.sqldb_tables()

Utils class

class glorifiedgrep.android.modules.utils.Utils

General class for helpful utilities while working with unzipped or decompiled files

>>> from glorifiedgrep.android.modules.utils import Utils
>>> u = Utils()

The init method for the whole GlorifiedAndroid module. This is interted throughout

  • apk_path (str) – Path to the APK
  • output_dir (str) – Output dir for decompilation and unzipping, defaults to /tmp/glorified_android
  • project_dir (str) – Project directory used for already decompiled and processed apks, defaults to None
  • rg_path (str) – path to ripgrep. Defaults to looking for it in path
  • jadx_path (str) – path to jadx. Defaults to looking for it in path
  • clean_dir (bool) – delete the output directory before processing
  • NotValidPythonVersion – Raises if python version 3 is not used
  • DifferentAPKExists – Raises if decompiled APK is different than what is already decompiled
  • DependentBinaryMissing – Raises if ripgrep, or jadx is not found
>>> # The default output directory is temp/GlorifiedAndroid folder. This can be
>>> # overriden using output_dir='some/path'
>>> a = GlorifiedAndroid('/path/to/apk', output_dir='/out/dir')

Typically, the prefix for the file path is removed when processing filepaths in the various code analysis classes. This can be adjusted using

>>> a.remove_dir_prefix = ''

If ripgrep or jadx is not in path, analysis will not be complete. To pass a user defined path for either jadx or rg, the GlorifiedAndroid class can be instantiated as follows.

>>> a = GlorifiedAndroid('/path/to/apk', jadx_path='path/to/jadx', rg_path='/path/to/rg')
jks_password_bruteforce(jks_file: str, word_list: str) → str

Bruteforce the password for a JKS keystore

  • jks_file (str) – Path to JKS keystore
  • word_list (str) – Path to wordlist

Valid password if found. Else False

Return type:


utils_xml_to_dict(file_path: str) → dict

Parse xml file and return as a dict object

Parameters:file_path (str) – Path to a valid XML file
Returns:A dictionary object representing the xml file
Return type:list


>>> u.utils_xml_to_dict('/path/to/file.xml)